Metadata: Identification_Information: Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) EROS Data Center (EDC) Publication_Date: 1973/06/25 Title: LANDSAT_MSS Edition: 1.0 Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: remote-sensing image Publication_Information: Publication_Place: Sioux Falls, SD Publisher: U. S. Geological Survey Other_Citation_Details: Earth Explorer and the EOSDIS Information Management System (IMS) are interactive query systems providing information on this data set. The TM archive has over 300,000 scenes with a data volume of over 50 terabytes. Online_Linkage: Description: Abstract: The U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) EROS Data Center (EDC), has managed the Landsat multispectral scanner (MSS) data archive for more than two decades. MSS data provide a historical record of the Earth's land surface from the early 1970's to the early 1990's. Designated initially as the Earth Resources Technology Satellite-A (ERTS-A), it used a Numbus-type platform that was modified to carry sensor systems and data relay equipment. When operational orbit was achieved, it was designated ERTS-1. The satellite continued to function beyond its designed life expectancy of one year and finally ceased to operate on January 6, 1978, more than five years after its launch date. The second in this series of Earth resources satellites (designated ERTS-B) was launched January 22, 1975. It was renamed Landsat 2 by NASA, which also renamed ERTS-1 to Landsat 1. Four additional Landsats were launched in 1978, 1982, and 1984, and 1999 (Landsats 3, 4, 5, and 7 respectively). Each successive satellite system had improved sensor and communications capabilities. Purpose: The U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) EROS Data Center (EDC), has managed the Landsat data archive for more than two decades. This archive provides a rich collection of information about the Earth's land surface. Major characteristics of changes to the surface of the planet can be detected, measured, and analyzed using Landsat data. The effects of desertification, deforestation, pollution, cataclysmic volcanic activity, and other natural and anthropogenic events can be examined using data acquired from the Landsat series of Earth-observing satellites. The information obtainable from the historical and current Landsat data play a key role in studying surface changes through time. Supplemental_Information: NASA was responsible for operating the Landsats through the early 1980's. In January 1983, operations of the Landsat system were transferred to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In October 1985, the Landsat system was commercialized. Throughout these changes, the EDC retained primary responsibility as the Government archive of Landsat data. The Land Remote Sensing Policy Act of1992 (Public Law 102-555) officially authorized the National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive and assigned responsibility to the Department of Interior. In addition to its Landsat data management responsibility the EDC investigates new methods of characterizing and studying changes on the land surface with Landsat data. Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date_Time: Range_of_Dates_Times: Beginning_Date: 1972/01/01 Ending_Date: 1992/10/01 Currentness_Reference: Ground condition Status: Progress: Ongoing Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: Daily Spatial_Domain: Bounding_Coordinates: West_Bounding_Coordinate: -180.00 East_Bounding_Coordinate: 180.00 North_Bounding_Coordinate: 82.00 South_Bounding_Coordinate: -82.00 Keywords: Theme: Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: None Theme_Keyword: EARTH SCIENCE > RADIANCE OR IMAGERY > Visible Wavelengths > Visible Imagery Theme_Keyword: EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > Land Use/Land Cover > Land Classes Theme_Keyword: EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > Erosion/Sedimentation > Degradation Theme_Keyword: EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > Topography > Terrain Elevation Theme_Keyword: EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > Surface Radiative Properties > Reflectance Theme_Keyword: EARTH SCIENCE > RADIANCE OR IMAGERY > Ultraviolet Wavelengths > Ultraviolet Flux Place: Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: GCMD Location Keywords Place_Keyword: AFRICA Place_Keyword: ANTARCTICA Place_Keyword: ASIA Place_Keyword: AUSTRALIA Place_Keyword: EUROPE Place_Keyword: GLOBAL Place_Keyword: GREENLAND Place_Keyword: NORTH AMERICA Place_Keyword: SOUTH AMERICA Access_Constraints: None Use_Constraints: None. Acknowledgement of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated in products derived from these data. Point_of_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Organization_Primary: Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center Contact_Person: Customer Services Representative Contact_Position: Customer Services Representative Contact_Address: Address_Type: mailing and physical address Address: Customer Services U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center City: Sioux Falls State_or_Province: SD Postal_Code: 57198 Country: USA Contact_Voice_Telephone: 605-594-6151 Contact_TDD_TTY_Telephone: 605-594-6933 Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 605-594-6589 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Hours_of_Service: 0800 - 1600 CT Browse_Graphic: Browse_Graphic_File_Type: Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) Data_Set_Credit: Landsat MSS data are also collected by a series of foreign receiving stations (i.e., Landsat Ground Stations Working Group (LGSOWG) participants) and are available from several distribution sites including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Italy, Japan, Maspalomas, Pakistan, South Africa, and Swegen. Purchasers are subject to individual distribution site policy and pricing directives. Security_Information: Security_Classification_System: none Security_Classification: unclassified Security_Handling_Description: none Cross_Reference: Citation_Information: Originator: U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center Publication_Date: 1995/01/04 Title: Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) Data Edition: 1.0 Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: remote-sensing image Publication_Information: Publication_Place: Sioux Falls, SD Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey Other_Citation_Details: Earth Explorer and the EOSDIS Information Management System (IMS) are interactive query systems providing information on this data set. The TM archive has over 300,000 scenes with a data volume of over 50 terabytes. Online_Linkage: Cross_Reference: Citation_Information: Originator: U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center Publication_Date: 1972 Title: LGSOWG Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS) Imagery Edition: 1.0 Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: remote-sensing image Publication_Information: Publication_Place: Sioux Falls, SD Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey Other_Citation_Details: Earth Explorer and the EOSDIS Information Management System (IMS) are interactive query systems providing information on this data set. Online_Linkage: Cross_Reference: Citation_Information: Originator: U.S. Geological Survey Publication_Date: 1982 Title: LGSOWG Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) Imagery Edition: 1.0 Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: remote-sensing image Publication_Information: Publication_Place: Sioux Falls, SD Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey Other_Citation_Details: Earth Explorer and the EOSDIS Information Management System (IMS) are interactive query systems providing information on this data set. Online_Linkage: Cross_Reference: Citation_Information: Originator: U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center Publication_Date: 1996/08/20 Title: Multispectral Scanner Landsat CD-ROM Edition: 1.0 Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: remote-sensing image Publication_Information: Publication_Place: Sioux Falls, SD Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey Other_Citation_Details: Earth Explorer and the EOSDIS Information Management System (IMS) are interactive query systems providing information on this data set. Online_Linkage: Data_Quality_Information: Attribute_Accuracy: Attribute_Accuracy_Report: The identification of features is provided by the distinct electromagnetic energy it emits, reflects, or otherwise transmits. This is called the spectral signature. Other signatures are tone (lightnes or darkness), texture (surface roughness or smoothness), pattern, shadow, shape and size are as important. Thus, through the use of multispectral scanners, such elements as water features, soils, and vegetation can be identified and distinguished from each other. Logical_Consistency_Report: The Landsat platforms operate from a sun-synchronous, near-polar orbit imaging the same 185 km (115 miles) ground swath every 16 days (formerly 18 days on Landsats 1 through 3). Multispectral scanner (MSS) data were received directly from Landsats 4 and 5 by a network of 16 worldwide ground stations. Also, data were transmitted via a Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) to its ground terminal at White Sands, New Mexico, and then relayed via a domestic communications satellite (DOMSAT) to the data processing facility. The MSS digital data were radiometrically corrected and relayed by DOMSAT to the EROS Data Center for storage, reproduction into digital and film formats, and distribution to users. The TDRS System (TDRSS) satellites are in geosynchronous orbits. This configuration allowed the acquisiton of MSS data for nearly all of the Earth's surface, except for an area between 50 degrees north and 67 degrees east by 50 degrees south and 82 degrees east. That area may be covered in part by data recorders at the Thailand and India ground stations. Completeness_Report: All of the Landsats have been in sun-synchronous orbits with equatorial crossing times ranging from 8:30 a.m. for Landsat 1, 9 a.m. for Landsat 2, to 9:45 a.m. for Landsat 5. Positional_Accuracy: Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy: Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy_Report: The multispectral scanner (MSS) sensors were line scanning devices observing the Earth perpendicular to the orbital track. The cross-track scanning was accomplished by an oscillating mirror; six lines were scanned simultaneously in each of the four spectral bands for each mirror sweep. The forward motion of the satellite provided the along-track scan line progression. All five Landsats have carried the MSS sensor which responds to Earth-reflected sunlight in four spectral bands. Landsat 3 carried an MSS sensor with an additional band, designated band 8, that responded to thermal (heat) infrared radiation. The radiometric range of bands for the MSS sensor is shown below: (Handbook, 1979 and 1984, USGS). Wavelength Landsats 1-3 Landsats 4-5 (micrometers) Band 4 Band 1 0.5 - 0.6 Band 5 Band 2 0.6 - 0.7 Band 6 Band 3 0.7 - 0.8 Band 7 Band 4 0.8 - 1.1 Band 8 10.4 - 12.6 Vertical_Positional_Accuracy: Vertical_Positional_Accuracy_Report: Landsats 1 through 3 operated in a near-polar orbit at an altitude of 920 km with an 18-day repeat coverage cycle. These satellites circled the Earth every 103 minutes, completing 14 orbits a day. Eighteen days and 251 overlapping orbits were required to provide nearly complete coverage of the Earth's surface with 185 km wide image swaths. The amount of swath overlap or sidelap varies from 14 percent at the equator to a maximum of approximately 85 percent at 81 north or south latitude. These satellites carried two sensors: a return beam vidicon (RBV) and a MSS. The RBV sensor was essentially a television camera and did not achieve the popularity of the MSS sensor. The MSS sensor scanned the Earth's surface from west to east as the satellite moved in its descending (north-to-south) orbit over the sunlit side of the Earth. Six detectors for each spectral band provided six scan lines on each active scan. The combination of scanning geometry, satellite orbit, and Earth rotation produced the global coverage necessary for studying land surface change. The resolution of the MSS sensor was approximately 80 m with radiometric coverage in four spectral bands from the visible green to the near-infrared (IR) wavelengths. Only the MSS sensor on Landsat 3 had a fifth band in the thermal-IR. Lineage: Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: U. S. Geological Survey Publication_Date: 1972/01/01 Title: Land Satellite Multispectral Scanner (Landsat MSS) Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: remote-sensing image Publication_Information: Publication_Place: Sioux Falls, SD Publisher: U. S. Geological Survey Other_Citation_Details: Earth scientists. The USGS entered into a partnership with NASA in the early 1970's to assume responsibility for the archive management and distribution of Landsat data products. On July 23, 1972, NASA launched the first in a series of satellites designed to provide repetitive global coverage of the Earth's land masses. Designated initially as the Earth Resources Technology Satellite-A (ERTS-A), it used a Nimbus-type platform that was modified to carry sensor systems and data relay equipment. When operational orbit was achieved, it was designated ERTS-1. The satellite continued to function beyond its designed life expectancy of 1 year and finally ceased to operate on January 6, 1978, more than 5 years after its launch date. The second in this series of Earth resources satellites (designated ERTS-B) was launched January 22, 1975. It was renamed Landsat 2 by NASA, which also renamed ERTS-1 to Landsat 1. Three additional Landsats were launched in 1978, 1982, and 1984 (Landsats 3, 4, and 5 respectively). Each successive satellite system had improved sensor and communications capabilities. Online_Linkage: Type_of_Source_Media: Cartridge tape Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Digital Process_Step: Process_Description: Radiometrically corrected (spacecraft and sensor systematic parameters) MSS data were transmitted from the data processing facility to the EDC via DOMSAT. At the EDC, the data were recorded on high-density tape (HDT) using 14-track digital recorders and then archived. In the interest of long-term preservation, the HDT tapes were converted over to Digital Cartridge Tapes (DCT) tapes in the late 1980's. Previously, the data were processed by the EROS Digital Image Processing System (EDIPS), based on user request. The EDIPS read the HDT, geometric corrections were applied, optional image enhancement processing was performed, and the processed data were recorded on high-resolution film for archive use in generating photographic reproductions. The National Landsat Production System (NLAPS) processing system is currently used by the EDC for processing data. This system replaced EDIPS in the mid-1990's. A Digital Cassette Recording System (DCRSi) cassette drive is used to supply serial image data to NLAPS. The NLAPS produces systematic, precision, and terrain corrected digital products. The NLAPS products also offer variable pixel sizes, image orientations, resampling techniques, horizontal datums, map projections, and WRS scene center offsets. Process_Date: Not complete Process_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Organization_Primary: Contact_Organization: U. S. Geological Survey Contact_Position: Customer Services Representative Contact_Address: Address_Type: mailing and physical address Address: EROS Data Center City: Sioux Falls State_or_Province: SD Country: USA Contact_Voice_Telephone: 605-594-6151 Contact_TDD_TTY_Telephone: 605-594-6933 Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 605-594-6589 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Hours_of_Service: 0800 - 1600 CT Spatial_Data_Organization_Information: Indirect_Spatial_Reference: Landsats 4 and 5 MSS scenes have an instantaneous field of view (IFOV) of 68 meters in the cross-track direction by 82 meters in the along-track direction (223.0 by 272.3 feet, respectively). To understand this concept, consider a ground scene composed of a single 82- by 82-meter area. The scan monitor sensor ensures that the cross-track optical scan is 185 km at nominal altitude regardless of mirror scan nonlinearity or other perturbations of mirror velocity. Cross-track image scan velocity is nominally 6.82 meters per microsecond.After 9.958 microseconds, the 82- by 82-meter image has moved 67.9 meters. The sample taken at this instant represents 15 meters of previous information and 68 meters of new information. Therefore, the effective IFOV of the MSS detector in the cross-track direction must be considered to be 68 meters which corresponds to a nominal ground area of 68 meters by 82 meters at the satellite nadir point. Using the effective IFOV in area calculation eliminates theoverlap in area between adjacent pixels. Landsats 1 through 3 provided Earth coverage similar to Landsats 4 and 5. However, the higher altitude of Landsats 1 through 3 resulted in a different swathing pattern with the IFOVbeing 56 meters in the cross-track direction by 79 meters in the along-track direction (183.7 feet by 259.2 feet respectively). The resolution for the MSS sensor is shown below: Landsats 1-3 Landsats 4-5 (meters) Band 4 Band 1 79/82* Band 5 Band 2 79/82 Band 6 Band 3 79/82 Band 7 Band 4 79/82 Band 8** 237 * The nominal altitude was 920 km for Landsats 1, 2, and 3. Nominal altitude for Landsats 4 and 5 is 705 km. The resolutions are approximately 79 and 82 meters respectively as a result. ** Landsat 3 only. Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Raster Raster_Object_Information: Raster_Object_Type: Pixel Spatial_Reference_Information: Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition: Planar: Map_Projection: Space_Oblique_Mercator_Landsat: Entity_and_Attribute_Information: Overview_Description: Entity_and_Attribute_Overview: Since 1972 these satellites have provided repetitive, synoptic, global coverage of high-resolution multispectral imagery. The characteristics of the MSS and TM bands were selected to maximize their capabilities for detecting and monitoring different types of Earth's resources. For example, MSS band 1 can be used to detect green reflectance from healthy vegetation, and band 2 of MSS is designed for detecting chlorophyll absorption in vegetation. MSS bands 3 and 4 are ideal for recording near-IR reflectance peaks in healthy green vegetation and for detecting water-land interfaces. MSS Bands 4, 2, and 1 can be combined to make false-color composite images where band 4 controls the amount of red, band 2 the amount of green, and band 1 the amount of blue. This band combination makes vegetation appear as shades of red, brighter reds indicating more vigorously growing vegetation. Soils with no or sparse vegetation will range from white (sands) to greens or browns depending on moisture and organic matter content. Water bodies will appear blue. Deep, clear water will be dark blue to black in color, while sediment-laden or shallow waters will appear lighter in color. Urban areas will appear blue-gray in color. Clouds and snow will be bright white and they are usually distinguishable from each other by the shadows associated with the clouds. Entity_and_Attribute_Detail_Citation: U.S. Department of the Interior, 1992, Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey Distribution_Information: Distributor: Contact_Information: Contact_Organization_Primary: Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center Contact_Person: Customer Services Representative Contact_Position: Customer Services Representative Contact_Address: Address_Type: mailing and physical address Address: Customer Services, U.S. Geological Survey, EROS Data Center City: Sioux Falls State_or_Province: SD Postal_Code: 57198 Country: USA Contact_Voice_Telephone: 605-594-6151 Contact_TDD_TTY_Telephone: 605-594-6933 Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 605-594-6589 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Hours_of_Service: 0800 - 1600 CT Contact_Instructions: Automated Ordering. Your order is forwarded to Customer Services at the U.S. Geological Survey's EROS Data Center via the Earth Explorer system. If you are a user of the system, you may place an order with a credit card. We use a secure credit card server that encrypts sensitive information passed from the user's browser to our Web server. Manual Ordering. Write down the ordering ID(s) for your item(s). Contact Customer Services between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. CT. In addition to the address above, there are other Earth Science Information Center offices throughout the country. A full list of these offices is at: Distribution_Liability: Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the USGS, no warranty expressed or implied is made by the USGS regarding the use of the data on any other system, nor does the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The USGS will warrant the delivery of this product in computer-readable format and will offer appropriate adjustment of credit when the product is determined unreadable by correctly adjusted computer input peripherals, or when the physical medium is delivered in damaged condition. Requests for adjustment of credit must be made within 60 days from the date of this shipment from the order site. Standard_Order_Process: Digital_Form: Digital_Transfer_Information: Format_Name: ASCII Format_Information_Content: USGS uncompressed MSS: The uncompressed USGS MSS is a "raw" binary image file preceded by a metadata header record which consists of 4, 400-byte ASCII records, each blank padded to equal the length of a single line of image data. File_Decompression_Technique: No compression applied Transfer_Size: 42.1 megabytes Digital_Transfer_Option: Offline_Option: Offline_Media: 8 mm cartridge tape Recording_Capacity: Recording_Density: 30,270 Recording_Density_Units: 2,048 or multiples of 2,048 Recording_Format: Unlabelled, uncompressed Unix DD archive format Compatibility_Information: None Offline_Option: Offline_Media: Compact Disc (Recordable) Recording_Capacity: Recording_Density: 650 Recording_Density_Units: megabytes Recording_Format: ISO 9660 Compatibility_Information: CD-ROM Drive Offline_Option: Offline_Media: CD-ROM Recording_Capacity: Recording_Density: 650 Recording_Density_Units: megabytes Recording_Format: ISO 9660 Compatibility_Information: CD-ROM Drive Fees: For cassette, CD, and film products, the costs are available at: Ordering_Instructions: Dataset searching and ordering capabilities are available through the Earth Explorer System at Turnaround: 4 - 6 weeks Metadata_Reference_Information: Metadata_Date: 1999/11/26 Metadata_Review_Date: 1999/11/26 Metadata_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Organization_Primary: Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center Contact_Position: Information Scientist Contact_Address: Address_Type: mailing and physical address Address: Archive and Information Management, EROS Data Center City: Sioux Falls State_or_Province: SD Postal_Code: 57198 Country: USA Contact_Voice_Telephone: 605-594-6594 Contact_TDD_TTY_Telephone: 605-594-6933 Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 605-594-6953 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Hours_of_Service: 0800 - 1600 CT Metadata_Standard_Name: Content Standard for digital geospatial metadata (revised June 1998) Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998 Metadata_Time_Convention: local time Metadata_Access_Constraints: None Metadata_Use_Constraints: None Metadata_Security_Information: Metadata_Security_Classification_System: None Metadata_Security_Classification: Unclassified Metadata_Security_Handling_Description: None